How to write API packages for R



DVLA is not yet on CRAN. To install, simply run the following in R.



Documentation on functions and examples can be found on its Github page. Here’s a more involved example, where we loop through a vector of car registration numbers.

# DVLA API in action
# library(DVLA)
#  i <- 1
#  dvla <- NULL
#  for(reg in unique(fleet$reg)){
#    df <- getDVLA(key, reg)
#    dvla <- rbindlist(list(dvla,df), fill = T)
#    i <- i + 1
#    Sys.sleep(0.2) # avoid rate limits
#  }
#  complete <- fleet %>%
#   left_join(dvla, by = c("reg" = "registrationNumber"))


So what is happening behind the scenes? How would one go about replicating this type of package for another API?

Richard Davey
Richard Davey
Analytical Consultant

My interests include earth science, numerical modelling and problem solving through optimisation.
