
Latin Hypercube Sampling

What is LHS? Latin hypercube sampling aims to bring the best of both worlds: the unbiased random sampling of monte carlo simulation; and the even coverage of a grid search over the decision space.

Location heatmaps in R

Location heatmaps in R Let’s use a built-in example within R: location of earthquakes off the island of Fiji.

Reporting with Rmarkdown

Rmarkdown was a revelation to me when I was first introduced to it in SEAMS (now Arcadis Gen). I’d used Jupyter notebooks before for Python and loved the live lab notebook feel of them.

Configuring resilient programs with systemd

Ever since a week before lockdown in mid-March, I’ve been holed up in my conservatory working from home. The wild swings in temperature have provided ample motivation to build a temperature probe and live dashboard to track patterns, open windows in good time or cope with the lead time that my pitiful electric heater requires.

How to run R using Docker on Raspberry Pi

When I began learning about how to use Docker I stumbled on an excellent project called Rocker. For anyone with an x86 machine these Rocker images allow them to run R and most of its dependencies in a containerised environment.

How to write API packages for R

Overview Installation DVLA is not yet on CRAN. To install, simply run the following in R. devtools::install_github("daveyr/DVLA") Usage Documentation on functions and examples can be found on its Github page.